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Following the brutal murder of George Floyd, a group of Jefferson City residents concluded they'd had enough of the racial injustice in our country. They wanted to do more than just share memes on Facebook and post about their anger and frustration. They wanted to fight racism in their own community. So these residents created the Jefferson City Racial Equity Group Facebook page for people of all races to come together to help the community become a place where all people are accepted, treated fairly and have the social, economic and political power to thrive.


The first step was reading books related to racism. Within a short period of time, it became apparent that it was time for action as JCREG members took on various race-related issues, including police handling of local protests and the disparity in Black motorists who are stopped by the police compared to white motorists as evidenced in the quarterly Vehicle Stop Report. Other efforts include removal of the United Daughters of the Confederacy marker and pushing back against false narratives about Critical Race Theory being taught in local schools.

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